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Off-target effects proposed as reason for phase I study death


Off-target drug effects may be the reason for the phase I accident in France that left one person dead and five others hospitalized (see 1 dead in phase I trial, NeuroSens, January 27, 2016). However, other causes are also being explored by the 12-person Temporary Specialist Scientific Committee (TSSC) set up by France’s Agence national de securité du medicament et des produits du santé (ANSM). Read More

Radiological biomarker proposed for PD


A number of studies in patients with Parkinson’s disease have reported increased iron concentrations in brain structures, notably the substantia nigra (SN), which may be prognostic of disease severity. One method for assessing iron deposition is to determine the relaxation rate (R2*, the sum of R2 and R2’) on MRI, in which inhomogeneities in the magnetic field due to iron deposition result in a more rapid signal decay and an increase in the relaxation rates. Read More


Gender differences in frontotemporal dementia


Few studies to date have specifically examined gender differences in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD). A new study has investigated this issue in 26 patients with behavioural-variant FTD (Koros et al. EAN 2015; abstract F2014). Cognitive and behavioural symptoms in 26 males and females were compared based on neuropsychological and behavioural testing and patient history. The scales used were the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI).  Read More




Dr. Marcelo Kremenchutzky, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis clinic at the London Health Sciences Centre, interviews researchers at the annual meeting of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS (ECTRIMS).

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