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Complexities in targeting B cells in MS


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – Two studies targeting B cells report mixed results – one positive, the other negative – in the treatment of MS, suggesting that there may be hidden challenges for this novel therapeutic approach.

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BG-12 in RRMS: DEFINE trial results


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – The experimental oral therapy BG-12 (dimethyl fumarate) appears to be effective in reducing relapses and disability progression, according to the results of the phase III DEFINE study (Gold et al. ECTRIMS 2011; abstract 95).

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Worsening MS patients turn to the Internet


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – An Internet survey of MS patients reports that as patients worsen, they are increasingly likely to turn to the Internet rather than their neurologist for MS information (Miller et al. ECTRIMS 2011; abstract P178).

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Follow-up MRI proposed as predictor of progression


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – Two new studies suggest that follow-up MRI performed 6-12 months after starting treatment may help to identify poor responders at risk of disability progression.

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