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No benefits with omega-3 supplements


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE  FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – The Omega-3 fatty acid Treatment in MS (OFAMS) study reports that omega-3 dietary supplementation has no significant effect on disease activity (Torkildsen et al. ECTRIMS 2011; abstract P919).

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Long-term safety of oral MS therapies: two reports


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – Data from phase II extension studies of fingolimod and teriflunomide indicate that long-term treatment with an oral MS therapy appears safe, with no new safety signals during the observation period.

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Teriflunomide in MS: TEMSO extension data


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – The TEMSO phase III trial reported that oral teriflunomide 7 mg or 14 mg significantly reduced the annualized relapse rate compared to placebo (0.37 for either dose vs. 0.57; relative risk reduction 31%) (O’Connor et al. N Engl J Med 2011; 365: 1293-1303).

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Confirmed disability progression was 21.7% with the 7-mg dose, 20.2% with the 14-mg dose and 27.3% with placebo, representing a 20.5% and 26.0% reduction respectively versus placebo. Side effects included diarrhea, nausea, hair thinning and elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels.

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First choice, second thoughts: low persistence with MS therapies


REPORT FROM THE 25TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE  FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (ECTRIMS) – AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, OCTOBER 19-22, 2011 – MS patients receiving a disease-modifying therapy (DMT) typically stop treatment or switch medications within a few years of starting treatment, according to a new database analysis of MS patients in British Columbia, Canada (Evans et al. ECTRIMS 2011; abstract P687).

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