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Valproate: no benefit for clinical progression in AD


A large, multicentre study in moderate Alzheimer’s disease has found that valproate doesn’t delay the emergence of agitation or psychosis, and doesn’t have a significant effect on cognitive  decline (Tariot et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2011; 68: 853-861).

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Neuropathy in PD attributed to vitamin B12 deficiency


A U.K. study reports that over one-third of patients with Parkinson’s disease develop neuropathy, which may be due to vitamin B12 deficiency arising from chronic levodopa exposure (Rajabally & Martey. Neurology 2011; 77:1947-1950).

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Telephone-based intervention: results from the Strongest Families program


The Strongest Families (formerly Family Help) program was developed to provide mental health services to families who have difficulties accessing health care in Canada. The program is run by two research groups headed by Dr. Patrick McGrath at Dalhousie University, Halifax, and Dr. Charles Cunningham at McMaster University, Hamilton.

It takes 30 seconds

The intervention consists of educational materials (manuals, videotapes, audiotapes) and telephone consultations (

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Dopamine agonists in PD: need to explain risks of problem gambling


An estimated 6-8% of PD patients treated with a dopamine agonist develop problem gambling, according to a new review of the literature (Djamshidian et al. Mov Disord 2011; 26: 1976-1984). Patients and their families need to be informed of the risks and to report any behavioural changes during treatment.

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