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ENS Monday highlights: MS, dementia, CNS infections and tremor


Report from the European Neurological Society (ENS) annual meeting
Barcelona, Spain, June 8-11, 2013

Multiple sclerosis
CNS infection
Comment by Dr. Daniel Selchen, Toronto, Canada

Multiple sclerosis: A University of British Columbia study is one of the first to report on birth outcomes in fathers with MS (Lu et al. ENS 2013). The retrospective study examined data from several provincial databases to compare babies born to men with and without MS. For the period 1996-2010, a total of 202 births to fathers with MS and 981 births to fathers without MS were identified. No significant differences were observed in gestation (39 weeks) or mean birth weight.

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ENS Sunday highlights – MS, migraine, stroke and ALS


Report from the European Neurological Society (ENS) annual meeting
Barcelona, Spain, June 8-11, 2013

Multiple sclerosis
Vestibular disorders
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Comment by Dr. Daniel Selchen, Toronto, Canada

Multiple sclerosis: An analysis of long-term data from the PRISMS study of IFNbeta-1a indicates that baseline EDSS score and a change in EDSS from baseline to month 24 of treatment strongly predict outcomes at 15-year follow-up (Kappos et al. ENS 2013). Conclusions were based on follow-up of 291 subjects of the 560 patients (52%) originally enrolled.

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Who prescribes DMTs for MS?


An analysis of an Ontario claims database shows that a small proportion of neurologists prescribe most of the disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for MS (Marriott et al. Can J Neurol Sci 2013;40:67-72). Overall, 80% of DMT prescriptions were written by 12% of the neurologist community.

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Predictive factors for intractable pediatric epilepsy


A single-centre study examined drug response in pediatric patients to determine retrospectively the predictive factors for intractable epilepsy (Seker et al. Pediatr Neurol 2013;48:52-55). Intractable epilepsy was defined as continued seizures following adequate treatment with >2 antiepileptic drugs for >18 months.

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