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Personalized medicine the theme of Charcot meeting


REPORT FROM THE EUROPEAN CHARCOT FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING – BAVENO, ITALY, NOVEMBER 28-30, 2013 – The past 10 years have seen considerable progress in characterizing the etiopathology and clinical course of multiple sclerosis, and a variety of novel disease-modifying therapies are now available. Personalized medicine is the next step, fine-tuning treatment for individual patients and employing strategies with the appropriate risk-benefit profile.

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Seizure prophylaxis following traumatic brain injury


An estimated 5-7% of patients experience seizures following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Current guidelines by the Brain Trauma Foundation and the AAN recommend the use of anti-seizure medications limited to the first seven days post-trauma (Brain Trauma Foundation. J Neurotrauma 2007;24(suppl 1); free full supplement at

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Inappropriate prescribing common in AD patients


Three European studies have reported that elderly patients – notably those with Alzheimer’s disease – are highly likely to receive inappropriately prescribed medications both in the community and in the nursing home setting.

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