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Social Media Survey – Part 1 now completed!


Thank you to all neurologists who completed the social media survey. The data are now being analysed by Dr. Jiwon Oh, University of Toronto, and an abstract of the results will be submitted for presentation at an upcoming international congress.

COMING SOON… Part 2 of the social media survey.

Watch for our announcement in an upcoming issue of NeuroSens.

Pioglitazone not effective in PD


Pioglitazone is a PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor)-gamma agonist of the thiazolidinedione class that is used to treat insulin resistance in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Prior studies in the MPTP mouse model reported that the drug prevented dopaminergic cell loss in the substantia nigra (Breidert et al. J Neurochem 2002;82:615-624). The implication was that the drug might be usefully employed as a neuroprotective agent in Parkinson’s disease. Read More