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Dr. Daniel Selchen, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis clinic at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, hosts a discussion of highlights from the European Charcot Foundation meeting, held 24-26 November 2016 in Baveno, Italy. Read More

Sun avoidance – more harm than good?


Two recent papers have recommended that public health recommendations regarding sun avoidance be changed to encourage greater sun exposure. The authors of one paper argue that the health benefits of adequate sun exposure – distinct from vitamin D supplementation – outweigh the risks of skin cancers, and that insufficient sun exposure has become a major public health problem (Hoel et al. Dermatoendocrinol 2016;8:e1248325). Read More

Iatrogenic Alzheimer’s – is AD transmissible?


Two recent reports have suggested that neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, may be transmissible through medical procedures, raising troubling questions about the safety of common practices such as surgery, transplantation and blood transfusion. Read More