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‘Seduced by significance” – the p-value controversy


The past decade has seen numerous criticisms of statistical methodology in biomedical research, fuelled in part by a ‘reproducibility crisis’ – the concern that many supposedly significant results cannot be replicated. The latest salvo was an editorial recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Ioannidis JPA. JAMA 2018;319:1429-1430). Read More

Targeting CGRP in migraine



An important advance in the treatment of migraine has been the development of agents that target calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a neuropeptide that has emerged as a key player in the neurobiology of migraine. Read More

Marijuana in neurology – POTential benefit?


The Cannabis Act was introduced to the Canadian House of Commons one year ago, which would legalize the possession and use of marijuana. The Act is expected to become law in July 2018. The medical use of marijuana was the thin edge of the legalization wedge, and the new law is likely to fuel even greater interest in marijuana among patients. Read More

MS therapeutics: 1 withdrawal, 1 setback


Daclizumab (Zinbryta), the anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody approved for the treatment of relapsing MS in May 2016 (December 2016 in Canada), has been voluntarily withdrawn by its manufacturers and will no longer be available. The withdrawal was announced on March 2, in a press release issued by Biogen and AbbVie ( Read More