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B cell-directed therapies in MS – POST-ECTRIMS SPECIAL REPORT


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Part 2

Two anti-CD20 therapies (rituximab, ocrelizumab) are currently used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and one, ofatumumab, is in late-stage development. Part 1 of this series examined the role of B cells in MS (see Update on B cells in MS pathophysiology, NeuroSens, June 29, 2020). Part 2 will summarize the data on the use of anti-CD20 agents in MS. Read More

COVID-19 vaccine – what Canada has bought


The Government of Canada has now made six deals to acquire COVID-19 vaccines currently in development. The deals secure about 280 million doses (most vaccines will require 2 injections) at an estimated cost of $1 billion (Harris K. CBC, 25 September 2020). Monies paid are to ensure a supply of vaccine and will not be fully refunded if the vaccines are ineffective or fail to receive Health Canada approval (Canadian Press, 22 September 2020). All of the vaccines are in late-stage development but none has yet demonstrated efficacy.

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Selected highlights from ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS 2020 (posted on September 24, 2020)
Virtual Congress – 11-13 September 2020
50 slides

Scientific review:
Dr. Daniel Selchen, Senior Consultant, Division of Neurology, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada
French version: Translated by Dr. François Émond, Quebec City MS Clinic, Clinical professor, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada Read More

Update on the diagnosis and management of SPMS



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There has been considerable uncertainty and confusion about the diagnosis of secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS), which may stem in part from the MS Phenotype Group’s early efforts to define the clinical course of MS (Lublin et al. Neurology 2014; 83:278-286). In that paper, four sub-phenotypes of SPMS were described: those with active disease with disability progression (once considered to be transitional SPMS); active disease without disability progression (once considered RRMS); non-active disease with progression (once considered SPMS); and non-active disease without progression.

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