A recent debate in the literature addressed the question of whether all cases of multiple sclerosis are progressive. The discussion highlighted some of the challenges of diagnosing secondary-progressive MS (SPMS) and the limitations of viewing the MS disease process as distinct phenotypes. Read More
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MS trials: Do you SCUBA?*
August 16, 2021[*seriously consider using bothersome acronyms]
Two decades ago, an alarm was sounded on the exploding use of acronyms in clinical trials. The worst offender at the time was cardiology, which boasted 16 separate trials called HEART (Fred et al. Tex Heart Inst J 2003;30:255-257). With acronyms on the radar, other specialties soon joined in. Within a few years, the estimated prevalence of trial acronyms was 15% (40% in cardiology) (Pottegard et al. Br Med J 2014;349:g7092). For some it filled a GAP (Greater Acceptance by Publishers): studies with good acronyms were more likely to be cited by other researchers (Stanbrook et al. N Engl J Med 2006;355:101-2). Read More
DMTs and vaccine response in MS: the evidence to date
July 27, 2021An Israeli study recently reported a significantly impaired humoral response to COVID-19 vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving certain disease-modifying therapies (DMT) (Achiron et al. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2021;14:17562864211012835). In that study, protective humoral immunity following administration of the Pfizer vaccine was observed in 100% of patients treated with cladribine, but only 22.7% of those on ocrelizumab and 3.8% of those receiving fingolimod. (See also Few vaccine responders with fingolimod, ocrelizumab, NeuroSens, April 23, 2021.) Read More
Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS)
July 20, 2021Provides information on SPMS diagnosis, active and progressive sub-phenotypes, time to SPMS in historical and contemporary cohorts, age and EDSS score as predictors of SPMS, and patients’ symptom that may herald the transition to SPMS.
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