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The end of MS phenotypes?


The International Advisory Committee on Clinical Trials in Multiple Sclerosis is recommending that the clinical course descriptions of MS – relapsing-remitting (RRMS), secondary-progressive (SPMS) and primary-progressive (PPMS) – be discarded in favour of a more biology-based approach (Kuhlmann et al. Lancet Neurol 2022; epublished November 18, 2022). Read More


MS Awards 2022 – Oddities and Observations


MS Prodromedary Prize
A study in Saudi Arabia found that the most important risk factor for the development of MS was consumption of camel milk (odds ratio 2.50) (Alkhawajah et al. Neuroepidemiology 2022;56:97-103). Read More


Effectiveness of COVID boosters in MS: an update


Two recent studies have reported that COVID boosters can increase the humoral response in MS patients during treatment with ocrelizumab or fingolimod. A number of studies have reported that these disease-modifying therapies (DMT) are associated with a blunted humoral response to COVID vaccination (Achiron et al. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2021;14:17562864211012835. Gallo et al. Neurol Sci 2021;42:3523-3526). Read More