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Novel approach to MS therapeutics: anti-CD40L


CMSC 2023

An emerging therapeutic target of interest is CD40 and its ligand (CD40L), which initially drew attention for their role in activating B cells and macrophages in response to infection (reviewed in Ots et al. Int J Mol Sci 2022;23:4115). Subsequent investigations implicated abnormal CD40 expression in a number of neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis. Read More


CLINICAL CASES IN MS – A case of worsening mobility during the pandemic


Click here to watch Dr. Julie Prévost discuss the case and the responses to the survey.

Michelle, 46, is a bank manager who was diagnosed with MS in 1996. She was initially treated with interferon-beta-1a 44 ug. She experienced ongoing clinical and radiological activity and was switched to natalizumab in 2013. She remained stable for seven years. In February 2020, Michelle noted that she used to be able to walk 2 km but could now only manage about 1 km. Her EDSS score showed no change over the past year. EDSS score was 3.0 (motor 2, cerebellar 2, sensory 2). She was started on 4-aminopyridine but obtained no benefit. Read More