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NMDA antagonists in Parkinson’s disease: meta-analysis


REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) 63RD ANNUAL MEETING, HONOLULU, HAWAII, APRIL 9-16, 2011 – Canadian researchers have conducted a meta-analysis of 11 trials (n=253) of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists for peak-dose levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease (AAN 2011; abstract P05.098). NMDA receptors are involved in dopamine-glutamate interactions.

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The rationale for the use of anti-glutamatergic agents in levodopa-induced dyskinesias is that receptor structure and function are altered by dopamine depletion and pharmacological treatments (Hallett & Standaert. Pharmacol Ther 2004; 102: 155-174).

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Oral cladribine discontinued for MS


Oral cladribine will not be marketed for multiple sclerosis and the drug will be pulled in countries where it has already received approval, according to an announcement from manufacturer Merck KGaA.

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Image broadcasting: teleconferencing useful in schizophrenia


UPDATE ON SCHIZOPHRENIA – The advent of teleconferencing technology has enabled telepsychiatry programs to improve access to mental health services, notably in countries such as Canada and Australia (Doze et al. J Telemed Telecare 1999; 5: 38-46). But is this approach appropriate in managing patients with psychotic disorders?

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