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Family history of epilepsy is reasonably accurate


Researchers at Columbia University report that the family histories provided by patients with epilepsy are reasonably accurate when it comes to siblings and children, but less so when it comes to parents (Ottman et al. Neurology 2011; 76: 390-396).

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No evidence that NSAIDs lower PD risk


A case-control analysis of data from the Physicians’ Health Study reports that there is insufficient evidence that NSAID use lowers the risk of Parkinson’s disease (Driver et al. Br Med J 2011; epublished January 20, 2011; free full text at The database included 22,007 physicians aged 40-84 years. Cases were matched by age and confounders (comorbidity, indicators for NSAID use).

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BP and Alzheimer’s disease: results inconclusive


A systematic review of 18 studies reports that there is insufficient evidence to indicate a causal association between blood pressure and the development of Alzheimer’s disease (Power et al. Epidemiology 2011; 22: 646-659).

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