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MS patient website tops 70,000 visits, the sister site of NeuroSens, has recorded 70,000 visits by people wanting more information about multiple sclerosis. The site was launched in August 2012 by Lind Publishing as a weekly news service to provide patients and their families with accurate, up-to-date information about MS research. Lind currently publishes four weekly or biweekly news services for patients and healthcare professionals. Read More


The time course of MS – AudioSlide presentation


Professor of Medicine (Neurology)
University of Ottawa
Director, Multiple Sclerosis Research Unit
The Ottawa Hospital-General Campus
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Mark Freedman, University of Ottawa, provides an overview of the pathophysiological events that occur during the time course of MS – from radiologically isolated syndrome to secondary-progressive MS. Read More


Facebook: friend or foe of psychiatry?


There have been numerous studies examining the effectiveness of long-distance psychotherapy as an alternative means of accessing and improving clinical outcomes for patients with depressive or anxiety disorders (Choi et al. Depress Anxiety 2014; epublished February 5, 2014; Lam et al. Br J Psychiatry 2013;203:358-365).

In recent years, the Internet has been used to deliver cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic psychotherapy and guided self-help programs (Johansson et al. BMC Psychiatry 2013;13:268, free full text at Reins et al. BMC Psychiatry 2013;13:318, free full text at Read More

The high impact of neurological and psychiatric disorders: the Global Burden of Disease Study


The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD 2010) is a large epidemiological study by the World Health Organization that has resulted in dozens of papers over the past decade.

As a result of improvements in some areas of population health (e.g. maternal and child health, sanitation, infection control) and the aging of the population, the health priorities are now shifting from mortality to morbidity – underscoring the significant impact of neurological and psychiatric disorders on burden of disease. Read More