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Deep-brain stimulation in PD: meta-analysis


A new meta-analysis has concluded that deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is effective in the control of motor signs and for improving functionality and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease (Perestelo-Perez et al. J Neurol 2014; epublished February 2, 2014). Data were analysed from six randomized controlled trials comparing DBS with medication versus medications alone (n=1184).

The outcome measures included motor function, time without dyskinesias, reduction in levodopa-equivalent dosing, neurocognitive and psychiatric effects, and effect on quality of life. Read More


Managing epilepsy: are patients satisfied?


Few studies have examined whether patients with epilepsy are satisfied with how they are managed. A University of Calgary study has investigated this issue in a systematic review of the literature (Wiebe et al. Epilepsia 2014; epublished February 6, 2014). Read More