ECTRIMS Poster Picks – Wednesday, October 10


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 – Poster Session 1 – 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Here are Steven’s Top 10 poster topics at ECTRIMS for Wednesday, October 10, 2018.

  1. Ocrelizumab: 5-year data (P588, P590).
  2. Pregnancy: Teriflunomide (P354); ocrelizumab (P600); dimethyl fumarate (P603); pregnancy/obstetric outcomes (P370).
  3. Trial results: CHORDS (ocrelizumab) (P635); SUNBEAM (ozanimod) (P556); biotin (P592)
  4. Real-world/database analyses: Dimethyl fumarate (P457, P576, P593, P595, P598, P641); natalizumab (P596, P597); biotin (P585); fingolimod (P591, P602)
  5. NfL: Biomarker of disability (P378); of cognitive impairment (P458, P530, P536); of MRI activity (P532)
  6. Switching studies: Injectable to oral (P548); fingolimod to alemtuzumab (P572); natalizumab to teriflunomide (P608); physician preferences (P647)
  7. Prognosis: Cerebellar symptoms (P352); cord lesions (P377); MRI (P497); abdominal obesity in adults (P409)
  8. PML: Natalizumab exposure (P604); JCV Ab index (P609)
  9. Epstein-Barr virus: Post-mononucleosis (P356); gene interactions (P448); immune interactions (P449)
  10. Clinical issues and observations: “Thoracic Lhermitte’s” (P372); MI risk (P408); ocrelizumab premedication (P616); 4 courses of alemtuzumab (P628)

Watch for our daily report later today.

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