Levetiracetam does not show superiority over standard agents for patients newly-diagnosed with epilepsy, according to the results of the KOMET trial.
Gait dysfunction in AD: clinical and anatomical correlates
February 27, 2013A cross-sectional study in Spain has examined clinical correlates of gait dysfunction in AD patients, with further analyses using volumetric MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (Olazaran et al. J Alzheimers Dis 2013;33:495-505).
Pilot study of GSK-3 drug tested in AD
February 13, 2013A pilot phase IIa study (NCT00948259) has reported promising effects of tideglusib, a novel inhibitor of glycogen synthase-3 (GSK-3), in 30 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (Del Ser et al. J Alzheimers Dis 2013;33:205-215).
RIS: what are the risk factors for CIS/MS?
February 13, 2013There has been little information on the natural history of radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) since it was first described in 2009 (Okuda et al. Neurology 2009;72:800-805).
The Year in (P)review – MS 2013 – Is the Injectable Era (almost) Over?
January 31, 2013The year 2013 will likely see the launch of two new oral agents for the treatment of multiple sclerosis – teriflunomide (already available in the U.S. as Aubagio), and BG-12. They will join fingolimod (Gilenya), the first of the oral MS drugs (following the withdrawal of cladribine). Fingolimod is indicated as a first-line (in the U.S.) or second-line (in Canada) treatment for relapsing forms of MS (RRMS).
Teriflunomide and BG-12 are also expected to be accorded first- or second-line status following their review by regulators.
Generation ABCR
Oral vs. injectable
Patient preference and practice
Side effect burden
Next generation
End of an era?
Comment by Dr. Grand’Maison