REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – A new U.S. study reports that glatiramer acetate administered twice per week is as effective as daily dosing (Caon et al. AAN, S11.002).
Hypertension and dementia risk differs in the very elderly
June 2, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – Hypertension is well established as a dementia risk factor, but two analyses from the 90+ trial indicate that it is not associated with dementia in the very old.
CCSVI: an update
June 2, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – Over 4,000 MS patients signed on to the National MS Society press conference and webinar on chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI), held April 14th, 2010, during the AAN annual meeting (See Special Report: CCSVI, NeuroSens, February 17, 2010).
Beta-interferons and glatiramer acetate: data at 15 years
May 26, 2010Disease-modifying therapies used in MS appear to be generally safe after long-term use, according to 15-year results from two new studies.
Does an early antidepressant effect predict response?
May 26, 2010A 4-year naturalistic study at 12 centres in Germany has found that a treatment response among depressed in-patients is often evident within the first two weeks of therapy and these early benefits are generally sustained (Seemuller et al. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2010; epublished January 21, 2010; see also Henkel et al. J Affect Disord 2009; 115: 439-449).