REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – Results of a randomized trial of adjunctive prolonged-release ropinirole indicate that the dopamine agonist may provide better 24-hour symptom control in advanced PD patients treated with L-dopa (Stocchi et al. AAN, S33.003).
Follow-up data of rituximab in SPMS
June 23, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – A small retrospective study has examined the long-term effects of rituximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20+ B cells, in patients with secondary-progressive MS (Ionete et al. AAN, P02.147).
FDG-PET useful in differential diagnosis of dementia
June 23, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – A Canadian retrospective study has examined the potential usefulness of [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose PET (FDG-PET) in the diagnosis of atypical or unclear dementias (Laforce et al. AAN P03.020).
Ibuprofen may lower PD risk
June 23, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – A prospective database analysis has found that ibuprofen use appears to lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease (Gao et al. AAN, S03.003).
Treatment effects in AD: overview of recent studies
June 23, 2010REPORT FROM THE AAN, APRIL 10-17, 2010 – The following is a summary of recent medication studies presented at AAN 2010.