Disease progression in patients newly-diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease is less pronounced in females but more severe in older subjects, according to data from the Co-morbidity and Ageing in Rehabilitation Patients; the influence on Activities (CARPA) study group (Post et al. Mov Disor 2011; 26: 449-456).
AD progression associated with elevated coated platelet level
August 3, 2011Coated platelets are a subset of platelets produced by activation with both collagen and thrombin and which retain intact amyloid precursor protein on their surface (Prodan et al. Platelets 2006; 17: 56-60). It has been suggested that coated platelets may play a role in the alteration in amyloid precursor protein metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease.
Carotid plaque area a predictor of ischemic stroke
August 3, 2011The total area of a carotid plaque appears to be a stronger predictor for a first ischemic stroke than intima-medial thickness (IMT), according to an analysis from the 10-year longitudinal Tromso study (Mathiesen et al. Stroke 2011; 42: 972-978).
Anxiety associated with cortical atrophy in AD
July 6, 2011REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) 63RD ANNUAL MEETING, HONOLULU, HAWAII, APRIL 9-16, 2011 – Symptoms of anxiety may be associated with atrophy in discrete brain regions in mild AD patients, according to the most recent report from the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (Poulin et al. AAN 2011; abstract P06.188).
ECG abnormalities may be PD risk factor
July 6, 2011REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) 63RD ANNUAL MEETING, HONOLULU, HAWAII, APRIL 9-16, 2011 – An analysis of subjects in the Cardiovascular Health Study in the U.S. has reported that electrocardiographic abnormalities may be a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease (Jain et al. AAN 2011; abstract S03.004). This is the first reported link between ECG findings and PD risk.