AAN 2021 Poster Picks – Day 2


AAN 2021 Poster Picks – Day 3
AAN 2021 Poster Picks – Day 1

Poster 076 – Long Term Efficacy Outcomes with Inebilizumab Treatment in NMOSD: the N-MOmentum Trial
Bruce A. C. Cree, MD, PhD

Objective: Evaluate the long-term efficacy of inebilizumab in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.

Data source: Open-label extension (up to 2 years) of the phase II/III N-MOmentum trial of inebilizumab 300 mg IV vs. placebo (Cree et al. Lancet 2019;394:1352-1363).

Interim analysis results:

  • 216 of 230 subjects participated in the open-label phase (OLP).
  • 87.7% of continuous inebilizumab group and 83.4% of placebo/inebilizumab group were attack-free for up to 4 years.
  • At week 78, EDSS scores had declined from OLP baseline in both groups (-0.24 and -0.12, respectively).

Conclusions: The benefits of inebilizumab in NMOSD were maintained in the OLP.

Poster 090 – Variability of the Response to Immunotherapy Among Sub-groups of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
Tomas Kalincik, MD

Objective: Assess if response to disease modifying therapies (DMT) is affected by disease activity, disability or other factors.

Data source: MSBase registry, subgroup with ≥1 visit/year for >3 years (N=23,687).


  • DMT use associated with a 48% reduction in relapse incidence, 48% lower risk of disability worsening and 33% greater chance of disability improvement.
  • Benefits were reduced in patients with more severe disability; effect on relapse risk was less in patients with higher disease activity (higher prior relapse rate or brain MRI activity).
  • No benefit with respect to EDSS worsening (HR 1.11) or relapse reduction (HR 1.16) in patients with progressive MS.

Conclusions: Treatment is most effective in patients with lower disability, lower prior relapse rate, no recent MRI activity and a relapsing MS phenotype.

AAN 2021 Poster Picks – Day 3
AAN 2021 Poster Picks – Day 1

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