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Progression independent of relapses (PIRA) in MS


A new term in MS research that has emerged in recent years is PIRA, or progression independent of relapse activity. It purports to quantify the proportion of disability worsening due to non-inflammatory neurodegenerative processes. However, the new metric has its shortcomings and the methodology used to quantify PIRA has varied since the concept first appeared in 2017. Read More




B (as in billion) cells
Novel therapies, new chapters
SDMT revisited

The year 2019 saw important changes in how multiple sclerosis is being managed in an a increasingly complex therapeutic landscape (reviewed in Cree et al. Curr Opin Neurol 2019;32:365-377). The tectonics of that landscape are also shifting as new drugs are approved, generic formulations become available and the hothouse regulatory environment cools. Read More


PML reported in patient newly-treated with ocrelizumab


A case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been reported in a previously untreated MS patient who received ocrelizumab. The case was first reported on a blog posted by Dr. Gavin Giovannoni, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Details of the case were confirmed in an email from Roche to NeuroSens. Read More


Are opinions changing on changing therapies in MS?


Click here to take the new sequencing survey
Cliquez ici pour remplir le nouveau sondage sur les séquences thérapeutiques

Two years ago, NeuroSens concluded its eight-part series on sequencing disease-modifying therapies (DMT) in multiple sclerosis. Expert commentaries were provided by Canadian MS specialists, including Drs. Mark Freedman, Ottawa; Michael Yeung, Calgary; Paul Giacomini, Montreal; Daniel Selchen, Toronto; Jiwon Oh, Toronto; and Marc Girard, Montreal. Each article was accompanied by a reader survey to identify clinicians’ goals of therapy, DMT use and perceptions about the relative benefits and risks of different treatment sequences. Read More