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MS 2020 – the view from a decade ago


“It’s difficult to make predictions – especially about the future.” – Yogi Berra

A decade ago, Dr. Aaron Miller, Mount Sinai, New York, took a game swing at the crystal ball and wrote the article, “Multiple sclerosis: where will we be in 2020?” (Miller A. Mt Sinai J Med 2011;78:268-279). Read More


Evaluating acute migraine therapies: ICER


The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), a drug pricing watchdog in the U.S., has ruled that novel oral migraine therapies have similar effectiveness but are not superior to triptans (5-HT 1B/1D agonists). Read More

Natalizumab use in late pregnancy


A new study reports that hematologic abnormalities may occur in one-third of infants exposed to natalizumab during the third trimester but treatment was generally safe (Triplett et al. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;40:101961). Read More


New drug approvals in 2020


A number of new drugs for neurology and psychiatry are currently in review with regulatory authorities in the U.S. and Canada. The following summarizes some of the key therapies expected to be approved in 2020. Read More