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SPMS: new data and developments


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A number of recent studies have provided important insights on the pathophysiology, clinical course and treatment of secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). SPMS is generally characterized as a progressive accumulation of disability after an initial relapsing course; further modifiers are active disease (relapses and/or new MRI lesions) with or without progression, not active with progression and not active and no progression (stable disease) (Lublin et al. Neurology 2014;83:278-286).

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Sun exposure and MS: effects beyond vitamin D


Two Swedish case-control studies have reported that the benefits of sun exposure in MS patients occur largely independently of vitamin D (Hedstrom et al. J Neurol 2020;267:1045-1052). The finding has particular relevance during the current COVID-19 pandemic as patients self-isolate indoors.

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