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“Long COVID” in adults and children


In a prospective 6-month follow-up of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (N=146, mean age 64 years), 9.6% and 7.8% reported moderate/severe persistent symptoms at 2 and 6 months, respectively (García-Abellán et al. medRxiv preprint, 8 March). Risk factors for persistent symptoms at 6 months were female sex, and a less robust humoral response during the acute phase, as shown by lower peak IgG antibody plasma levels against the CoV-2 surface S1 domain of the spike protein. Long COVID symptoms included persistent fatigue, headache, dyspnea and anosmia. A separate study of patients’ self-reported symptoms found that 13.3% had symptom duration >28 days, 4.5% for >8 weeks and 2.3% for >12 weeks (Sudre et al. medRxiv preprint, 19 December 2020). Read More

SARS-CoV-2 variants


Summarizes recent data on the UK (B.1.1.7), Brazil (P.1) and South Africa (B.1.351) variants. Also included are the number of variant cases reported in Canada and the U.S. as of March 9, 2021.

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COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy


The Canadian Network of MS Clinics currently recommends that immunization be considered in pregnant and breastfeeding women following a discussion of the potential risks and benefits ( This is similar to the WHO recommendation that vaccination be considered in pregnant women at high risk of CoV-2 exposure or with comorbidities (World Health Organization, 29 January 2021.

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