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CCSVI 2010: The Year in Review


January 2010:
– Internet blogs, Facebook friends and chatroom klatsches discuss CCSVI following a W-5 news program on the procedure broadcast on November 19, 2009.
– The International Union of Phlebology votes unanimously to include CCSVI lesions in its new guidelines.
– An online petition calling for governments to approve CCSVI collects 12,000 signatures.
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Saliva amyloid proposed as Alzheimer disease biomarker


A pilot study of potential Alzheimer disease biomarkers has proposed that highly sensitive ELISA testing of amyloid levels in saliva may help to distinguish AD from other types of dementia at an early stage of the disease process (Bermejo-Pareja et al. BMC Neurol 2010; 10: 108).

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EDSS may underrepresent progression


Researchers in the Netherlands report that combining different outcome measures in MS may be more useful in assessing disease progression than change in EDSS score alone (Kragt et al. Mult Scler 2010; epublished October 26, 2010). Clinical changes were assessed in 553 patients using EDSS, the Nine-Hole Peg test, the Timed 25-Foot walk, and the MS Impact Scale.

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U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: two reports


The U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) is a large prospective cohort study of lesbian families and their children conceived through donor insemination ( Between 1986 and 1992, 154 lesbian mothers volunteered for the study with data collected through interviews and questionnaires. Additional data were obtained from offspring at ages 10 and 17 years through interviews. questionnaires and Child Behavior Checklists completed by the mother.

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