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New inhaled levodopa formulation being tested for PD


REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) ANNUAL MEETING, PHILADELPHIA PA, APRIL 26-MAY 3, 2014 – A new phase II study reports that a novel dry-powder formulation of inhaled levodopa, CVT-301, may be useful for rapid improvement in motor function during Off periods (Freed et al. AAN 2014; abstract S7.007). Read More

Two MS treatments in development


REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) ANNUAL MEETING, PHILADELPHIA PA, APRIL 26-MAY 3, 2014 – Preliminary results are available for two novel MS therapies that are currently in development. Read More

Neurofilament levels prognostic of outcome after cardiac arrest


REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) ANNUAL MEETING, PHILADELPHIA PA, APRIL 26-MAY 3, 2014 – There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that neurofilament (NFL) protein is a useful biomarker of axonal injury. The latest study examined the prognostic value of NFL in survivors of cardiac arrest (Rosen et al. AAN 2014; abstract P1.101). Read More

Lumbar puncture: does hydration help?


REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY (AAN) ANNUAL MEETING, PHILADELPHIA PA, APRIL 26-MAY 3, 2014 – Postdural puncture headache was first described over a century ago by Dr. August Bier, who pioneered spinal anesthesia (Bier A. Dt Zeitschr Chirung 1899;51:361-369). In Bier’s case, the procedure went terribly awry and his headache required bed rest for nine days. Read More